How Has The SlutWalk Movement Challenge Sexualization and Sexuality of a Woman?

To be able to embrace sexuality should be a good thing. Sexuality and sexualitization fall under the same umbrella, the topic of sex. Everyone knows sexuality is one’s reflection of yourself and how you perceive yourself sexually. Sexualization is to make anything relate to sex.  Women are sexualize for what they wear and there is a negative stigma towards female who embrace their sexuality. Some may suggest the way to resolve these issues are if women dress more appropriately and if they don’t openly embrace their sexuality. However women are not comfortable with that. As a woman, I would want to be able to wear whatever I want and be whoever I want without being judged. If I were to restrain myself from what I wear and who I am, I would fear socializing because I would fear being ridiculed. Both conditions have some sort of issue that needs to be resolved and the best way to resolve them is by changing the mindsets of the public.