You Stressin?

Stress is something I’ve experienced both physically and mentally. Throughout my high school career to the beginning of my first…

Dr. Robot Will See You Now

The manufacturing industry saw productivity rates and the quality of finished goods increase as a result of automation. As a consequence, robots replaced humans in the factory, and many manufacturing employees became unemployed. While artificial intelligence has taken over many industries, it has just begun making its way into the medical industry. Unlike the manufacturing industry, artificial intelligence will not take over the roles of humans and won’t dehumanize the medical industry.

Don’t Destroy Your Only Home

Due to global warming, there is an increase in sea level. Which means that Manhattan can get submerged by the ocean in years to come. Do you want to get submerged by the ocean? Do you want your future children not to have somewhere to live? Just because the land is under water. I believe not, so working towards answering this question of “How can we inhabitants of Manhattan use more renewable energy and other resources to work towards reducing global warming?”.

Not Just a Fake Love

Have you ever loved an anime or video game character? And have you ever been judged for that? Those looks of disdain and disgust that people shot in your direction because they thought you were a pervert? I’m here to tell you that you’re not a pervert. It’s completely normal to fall in love with a person that exists behind the screens. You’re not alone. I understand your plight, and I want to help you and everyone else who has been through this. There are actual reasons for why you might be interested in a relationship with a “waifu”, and I’m going to explain them to you.

From Parties to Crises: The Brazilian Reality

Brazil was always seen as a country filled with happiness, parties and holidays, that gave us the excuse to dance and have fun for more than a week, such as the Carnaval. Brazil has been the country where people seem to be too busy with their samba and beaches, making people believe that nothing could be wrong over there. However…

Artificial Intelligence and Regulation: Crafting a Compromise to Preserve Innovation and Human Dignity

A question arises — to what extent should we base our decisions on a temporary ethical code, and in what manner should we enforce the ethics which we do believe should limit AI? There is much at stake, and the future of knowledge as we know it lies in the answer to this question.

Should We Forgive Rapists?

Louis C.K. is one of the most popular comedians today. He sells out headlining tours, has Netflix specials, and is…

Why Box People In?

What are the purposes of the racial boxes on school and work applications? Do these racial boxes prevent us from moving forward as a race-neutral society? Should they be removed?

There’s Nicotine In It?

Americans have begun to believe that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative to cigarette smoking. It helps current smokers quit the…

What comes first: your family or cell phone?

If we aren’t able to communicate with our family members, the people we often find ourselves closest to emotionally and feel most comfortable with, how will we be able to communicate with anyone?  Based on both articles that focus on the effect of cell phones on communication skills within a family, and my own experiences with my family and cell phones, it is definite that mobile devices are leaving an impact on family relationships and their ability to communicate with each other, which might lead to a world incapable of communicating with each other.